Tina has been employed with our company for four years and came in first place in caregiver points for the month of April with 110 points! Tina is a valuable member of our caregiving team and is always pleasant and has a smile on her face. Tina embodies all our company values and truly helps our company achieve its mission and vision. Tina can always be counted on to show up for work as scheduled no matter what life is throwing at her. Everyone Tina sees loves her and wants her back again. She is compassionate and loving and is the true meaning of caregiving. Tina is also a great communicator with her clients and our office team. Tina is also a true team player and often jumps on the chance to accept fill-ins anytime there is a need. It is obvious Tina truly cares about her clients and the work she does.
Tina is truly a pleasure to work with and we appreciate her hard work, caring “can do” attitude, and dedication to our clients and the caregiving profession.

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